Creative Works that Keep the Hotties Inspired

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What has inspired the creative minds behind our projects and campaigns throughout their careers?

We asked a few of the Hotties to share the pieces of work that have left them feeling inspired. From books to podcasts, there are plenty of things that have helped their creative careers bloom.

Guy, Partner & Marketing Director:

The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher

[Image source: / Author: Alan Fletcher]

‘Alan Fletcher was a founding partner at Pentagram, the one place every creative agency looks up to. The Art of Looking Sideways doesn’t follow any kind of narrative – it’s more a scrapbook of observations, wit and curiosities. You can open it at random and be absorbed.’

Palestine by Joe Sacco

‘We all know about the brutal occupation of Palestine and the recent genocide in Gaza, but the story goes back a long way. Joe Sacco captures scenes of everyday life in occupied Palestine in one of the most acclaimed graphic novels ever published. It’s thought provoking and heartbreaking.’

The Americans by Robert Frank

‘This book of 83 black and white photographs taken by Robert Frank in the mid-1950s is a beautiful time capsule. There is no obvious theme or narrative, but also there’s not a picture out of place.’

The Dark by Lemony Snicket

‘Not many books are good enough to be read aloud multiple times, but this is the minimum requirement for a good children’s picture book, and this is one of the best.’

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

‘I read this when I was a teenager and it changed my perspective on life. First published in 1952, this was the only book published by Ellison during his lifetime. It’s a must-read.’

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

‘How does it feel when your whole world changes? Persepolis, originally published as a series, is the autobiographical account of Satrapi’s childhood. It turns humorous and harrowing.’


Julia, Creative Lead:

Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industry by Ben Tallon

[Image source: / Author: Ben Tallon]

‘This book chronicles my old Uni pal’s journey from childhood drawing to a freelance career with top clients in illustration, graphic design, music, film and TV. It’s super funny and candid (just like Ben himself), offering brutally honest insights and savvy advice on navigating the unpredictable creative industry. Ben continues to inspire me to “pull my finger out” and make my mark. He’s an industrious creative with boundless passion. Truly inspiring.’

The Brand Flip by Marty Neumeier

‘This book examines how brands must adapt to empower consumers, emphasising the shift from company-driven to customer-driven branding and products. It offers strategies for fostering customer loyalty and engagement. A great read that supports the philosophy of user/customer-centric design.’

No Logo by Naomi Klein

‘Read back in the early 2000s, this book opened my eyes to the history of marketing. It’s a fascinating read, at times quite Orwellian, as Klein explores the dystopia of global branding and consumer culture, advocating for resistance against corporate power and promoting social and economic justice. Ahead of its time, it remains a relevant compass today.’

Logo by Michael Evamy

‘A logo bible (by my one time collaborator, the lovely Michael Evamy) that helps overcome even the most stubborn creative block. This book is my go-to resource for inspiration.’


Verity, Marketing Manager:

The Copy Book by D&AD and Taschen 

[Image source: / Author: D&AD]

‘Easily my favourite copywriting book – and I’ve read so many! This is one I’ve enjoyed a few times back to front, middle to end, start to finish. Included are works and essays by leading copywriting experts, including David Abbott who is one of (if not the) finest copywriters the world has ever seen. Effective storytelling and copywriting really is about talking to people’s emotions and feelings. I like the reminder. I urge every creative, whatever your specialism, to pick up a copy. You’ll enjoy looking back though some iconic ads.’

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

‘Before Sheryl Sandberg was COO of Facebook (later Meta Platforms) from 2008-2022, she was vice president of global online sales and operations at Google. I remember reading this book shortly after joining the ‘professional’ world. This book helped me wade my way through many preconceived notions I had that could’ve easily held me back if I hadn’t addressed them. I learnt to ‘lean in’ to conversations where I knew my voice could be heard as a woman with ideas, insights and opinions. It’s a great book for women in business – those with goals who may be holding themselves back – but also about barriers that still exist for women in the workplace.’

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

‘Atomic Habits is a great book for anyone who wants to create habits they can actually stick to. James Clear walks us through simple and achievable systems and processes that help reach your goals. His idea is that tiny habits every day add up to something great in the long run. Simple, really. And it’s the simplicity of his idea that makes it more achievable. Daily habits and behaviours compound into something great. We might ask, “how can all of these ‘successful’ people stick to their good habits but I can’t?” He answers it.’


Georgia, Digital Marketing Executive

Into the Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them by John Yorke

[Image source: / Author: John Yorke]

‘I read this while I was at Uni studying Creative Writing, and it became my Writing Bible. It mainly focuses on screenwriting, but it’s fabulous for explaining story culture and delving into how all stories follow the same plan when looked at carefully. It’s a very in-depth look into the crafting behind stories, with lots of different examples from traditional fairy tales to modern films and even episodes of Eastenders.’


Marketing Brew

‘This is a daily newsletter informing marketing professionals on the latest brand strategies, social media updates and more. They also run virtual and in-person events and conferences. It’s a great way to see how big brands are marketing to their audiences and campaigns that have been successful.’

Social Media Today

‘This is my favourite marketing newsletter. It’s released daily and includes every update to social platforms, no matter how small. They’re the first to mention any minor or major news in relation to socials, and always include where to find further reading to help marketers. I don’t know what I’d do without it!’

The Hustle

‘The Hustle is a daily newsletter giving 5 minute insights into business, marketing and tech news. It’s really good for staying up to date with marketing trends and features some really interesting stories about how businesses (big and small) got started and their journeys to where they are now (my favourite was the origin story of The Rainforest Cafe!) They also share a cute animal photo, which is the perfect motivator in the middle of the day!’


The Girls in Marketing Podcast

‘An old colleague of mine introduced me to Girls in Marketing and I’ve been hooked ever since. They strive to educate, elevate and empower women within the marketing industry by building a sense of community and providing the tools, resources and opportunities to progress their career. Their podcast is incredibly useful, giving plenty of tips and tricks, and helping me stay up to date with the latest marketing news. You can feel feel the passion coming through and the episodes always leave me feeling motivated!’


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