Charlie Haywood
Creative Director / Founder

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Charlie Haywood

Charlie founded Hotfoot Design in 2006 and has vast experience in the creative and marketing industries with almost 25 years in a range of in-house and agency roles, in both the UK and US. He specialises in branding and brand strategy for print and digital and is involved in all projects, from the initial pitch through to developing concepts in the design studio.

In 2004 Charlie relocated to Las Vegas where he set up an in-house design department for a global hospitality company returning to the UK to start Hotfoot.

Charlie has two kids, swims twice a day, and loves weekends away (complete with a buffet breakfast).

  • First job?

    After a lovely extended spell at the J Walter Thompson in Manchester, my first full-time job was at a small design agency in Bolton where I was pretty much in at the deep end. I learnt alot very quickly.

  • Which people do you most admire?

    In business it's my Mum and Dad. They both had successful businesses in their own right, and always worked incredibly hard to succeed. That work ethic is instilled in me.

  • Why "Hotfoot"?

    I sometimes try and think of a really clever answer to this. But the reason is that back in the day, there were alot of weird and wonderful agency names and I wanted something that would stand the test of time and had some resonance with eager, keen and fast paced. Over the years I've thought about changing it to something cool and slick, but there's something about the geekiness I like.

  • Favourite bit of tech?

    Unpacking new Apple stuff is some else. Every minute detail has been thought about. It resonates with my product design background.

  • What's your music?

    According to Spotify, my most listened to artist is The Maccabees which is about right. I like alternative rock, Indy.. whatever it's called now. I also like a bit of 90's G-Funk.

  • Favourite holiday destination?

    I've travelled a fair bit but probably Portugal. My grandparents moved to the Algarve when I was five so I know it well. It has some of the most incredible beaches.

  • Favourite piece of art?

    I really love unique well crafted furniture.

  • Favourite apps?

    Strava, WhatsApp and Spotify are mostly used. Is Wordle an App? Wordle then.

  • Favourite film genre?

    A good dark comedy.

  • What did you want to be when growing up?

    I had the usual(?) dreams of being a farmer or soldier but I think I always really wanted to do something creative related. I excelled in art and design at school, particularly Product Design. Graphic Design and Marketing I got into at Uni.

  • Tell us something we don't know about you.

    I grew up on a farm museum in Shropshire. We lived in the farm house and my mum and step dad ran it. The farm house was private but visitors tried to come in all the same.

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    Awards & accreditations

    • The Drum Recommended
    • Pride Awards
    • The Bibas Winner
    • Prolific North Creative Awards
    • Boost Business Lancashire
    • Prolific North Marketing Awards
    • Awwwards Nominee 2016
    • Digital Lancashire Founding Member
    • Northern Digital Awards Winner 2023
    • Red Rose Winner